Rescuing Emme (Attempt #6)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

[2010/07/29 06:13] Nocra Neuman: /me Stalked her way up to the peak of the hill having spotted the man there from her view no the docks. Halting before him she spoke and kept watch on the seemingly quiet lands around her. " I do not know...are you from these lands?", she asked bluntly and canted her head slightly to the side awaiting his reply.

[2010/07/29 06:18] Lasher Xue: /me , having only just woken from this very spot and stood, could only hear the footsteps approach; they were light, so he assumed it would be a woman of some sort. He squinted as the sunlight wove its way beneath his eyelids, and a hand was raised to block it out and hopefully see who had thought it a good idea to disturb the man prior to his first cup of blackwine. She spoke and he assumed from her timber and choice of poorly spoken words, that it must be one of the women that claimed the forests as their home. "I'm from wherever I say I'm from," he answered in a half-groggy, half-annoyed tone. "Either state your business or move along," he set his jaw, teeth fairly grinding as he waited; he only hoped she wasn't as stupid as the last panther that put herself in his path. It was far too early for all that.

[2010/07/29 06:23] Nocra Neuman: /me Her attempt to be civil seemed to go unnoticed by him and she swung her head in his direction gazing towards him with a blank stare. Orbs as dark as a moonless sky slid over the hills of muscle spanning his chest and torso. He was bigger than she was, though nearly everyone was in comparison to her pint size. Yet, his impressive size did not trouble her much, should there be conflict she was certain that she could outrun him. "I come for something of mine that was taken by a man from here.", she responded curtly. Her tone was thickly accented as only one of the schendi jungles could be, clearly not a panther of the north. If he had studied her close enough perhaps he would notice the adornments which would make it clear as to what she was.

[2010/07/29 06:54] Lasher Xue: /me sighed as his vision finally cleared, glancing at the girl momentarily before scanning the grounds as was his habit. He was extremely tired and really had no care for what was hers or what was not hers, or whether whatever it was she were looking for resided here or in Turia. "Speak with someone else on this," he grumbled at the creature, and whether she were panther, taluna or slave, mattered even less to him. "Perhaps someone in the village can help you, I haven't the time. Nor inclination." He turned and looked towards the docks, empty; no ship to garner the supplies he needed. He would have to travel to a larger city he supposed. These were the things that were on his mind, the girl in front of him almost -- almost, forgotten.

[2010/07/29 06:59] Nocra Neuman: /me She had not expected much in the way of assistance from the man, he had been silent for far too long and in fact when he spoke at last she was slightly surprised that he had even bothered at all to speak since his statement was truly unhelpful. "There were none in the village when I first checked it.", replied the mamba, "The man I seek is large, obnoxious and has a beard as long as the vosk." She pressed offering the best description of Din that she could recall. "Do you know when he is around to reach him?" Again she looked towards him and waited with an eerie sense of patience. Spotting the woman rush upon them her body tensed slightly though she made no motion to draw arms and spoke loud enough for her words to carry, 'Tal woman."

[2010/07/29 07:01] Jalen Francois: /me pondered being called a woman for a moment as her own sense of free being flooded her for only a slight moment before she crashed to her knees. She wasn't about to get beaten and thrown in a cage again by Corey, thus, she decided to mind her manners: "Tal there Mistress feral maybe panther not really sure what you are person!" She sat in the mud and paused. "Oh, Tal to you too Jarl..." this was a bit less friendly and more hesitant know he was probably the start of this whole collar idea in Corey's head. Yes, Jalen blamed him for it.

[2010/07/29 07:06] Lasher Xue: /me seeing that annoying woman that usually brought trouble with her wherever she went, he smiled briefly; not for her, but for himself. There now would be someone else to deal with this.. this.. well, whatever she was. He turned his gaze once more to the docks, hoping a merchant vessel had somehow silently come to port, but of course it wasn't to be. "I don't care." His answer was impatient and to the point. He had no cause to speak to the woman, noting that as he'd looked towards her when she spoke her teeth were filed in that grotesque manner he so hated. Mamba, he assumed, and his skin almost shrank from his body entirely. He weren't afraid of the creature, rather he found her loathe and disgusting; he had nothing further to say to her, nor would he share the small plot of land between them any longer. She was, actually, quite lucky that he had something more pressing to attend to rather than take the time to properly dispose of her. He left, recognition towards the slave not offered.

[2010/07/29 07:09] Jalen Francois: /me twiddles her thumbs awkwardly glad to see Lasher was his usual angry self...and then...Jalen spotted a cute thingie on the docks. Yes. Must have...cute baby bosk. "Be well Mistress!" Jalen said as she ran towards the water to leap within, heading her way right to the bosk.

[2010/07/29 07:10] Nocra Neuman: /me "I am neither of those things. Feral nor panther.", she replied frankly but did not openly say what exactly she was. It was unlikely those of her kind were welcomed in such lands as these and it was commonly wisest to conceal such facts with a man the size of the one beside her in range of reaching distance. She wasn't foolish enough to press her luck regardless of how brave faced she might appear. Yet as he fled her tension faded and her posture relaxed slightly. The man had been a thorn in her side and she was glad to be rid of him. Turning back to the slave she spoke briskly seeking some information, "Girl, can you answer then what I need to know? I'm looking for a man who has something of mine I want back. He's a beastly fellow...with a flowing dark beard..", she explained describing once more Din's appearance.

[2010/07/29 07:12] Jalen Francois: /me pauses mid-gallop as she frowns, her eyes on the docks where the creature was before turning back to the woman. "I...." she was distracted, in a tizzy over the creature. "Want...." she added, her brain malfunctioning over the adorableness. "I mean, uh...well there is a Jarl I know named Frank with a huge beard who works at the fishing area. Then, another Jarl named Din who my own Jarl Corey often aggrivates over magical beards but I am not quite sure what he does...or how he does it....or where he may be." She furrowed her brows hoping her answer made sense. "They both have beards, though, for my Jarl often craves the beard. He finds them to be powerful, but cannot grow one of his own."

[2010/07/29 07:14] Nocra Neuman: /me Couldn't help but crack a smile at the slaves ramblings, "Din yes that is the one I seek, I remember now the name my sister mentioned. Do you know when he is around these lands?", she pressed and followed the path of the slaves gaze leading down to the docks where a cluster of people were gathered around some small creature.

[2010/07/29 07:16] Jalen Francois: /me once more her gaze glinted over to what appeared to be a tiny baby bosk, perhaps even dwarf sized as she groaned and squirmed in the mud. If there was thing Jalen loved -- it was cute baby animals. What girl didn't? "Well, that particular Jarl has a bit of a finicky habit of being around....but usually later in the day is when I see him emerge, Mistress." It was true, Jalen only saw Din around in the afternoons or evenings. She clasped her hands together in her lap and smiled at the woman.

[2010/07/29 07:17] Nocra Neuman: /me "Go on then...", she answered and gestured downhill to where the slaves eyeballs seemed to be glued. "You have been helpful to me." With that she spun away and soundlessly padded down hill with a sure step being cautious not to slip on the enbankment.

[2010/07/29 07:18] Jalen Francois: /me runs over to the docks and sees the furry friend was gone. "What....." Jalen looks around desperately: "NOOOOOOOOO!" She says in a rage and flops over, teary-eyed.

[2010/07/29 07:19] Nocra Neuman: /me Steps onto the vessel docked in place and gaze a sharp look back to the lands behind here where the slave seemed to be throwing some form of a temper tantrum. Grinning mischievously she headed over to a sack of sa-tarna grain and plopped her bottom down upon it planning to nap there in the warmth of midday light while they sailed onwards.